
The new free online test maker to
create and manage online exams (and paper exams too !)

Online quizzes or paper-based exams (with automatic exam grading !), education, training, recruitment, assessment, certification

evalbox, the new free online test maker : this is our BLOG

Well, no promises here OK... ? :)
If we can, we'll just try to write here some news from time to time.
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As many exams as you need, thanks to MCQs...

Frequent tests allow teachers and trainers to better assess their students knowledge level, courses understanding, and their progression over time. The more regular the better. However, exam preparation, exam organization, and exam grading can take time... Evalbox, our online test making platform, is there to fight against those common "pains"... allowing a real and continuous ...

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Evalbox selected to talk at financial IT day !

Financial IT day is a kind of forum for innovative startups. After Alsace and North of France regions, it comes to Marsilles, on 2014, the 15th of october. Its main objective is to link business angels and promising startups
Good news for Evalbox wich has been spot and ...