
The new free online test maker to
create and manage online exams (and paper exams too !)

Online quizzes or paper-based exams (with automatic exam grading !), education, training, recruitment, assessment, certification

How to use evalbox the quiz maker

MCQ creation and automatic exam grading have never been easier

Here below are the main usual steps to create an online exam with evalbox(*)

process 2

Create a quiz

The assessment platform evalbox is an online test maker system that leaves YOU the smartest part of the evaluation process, regardless if you are a teacher, a manager, a trainer, a certification professional … by “smartest” we mean (of course) the “content” : questions, answers, explanations…
evalbox will help and assist you while creating your exams with the most advanced tools. Everything starts for example while you fill your question bank, step by step.
More than just providing a lot of formatting options (text format, tables, pictures, video clips, …) evalbox will help you, while typing, to detect questions that look similar, and to create variants that will be useful to diversify your exams as much as possible (with no effort).
Categories, skill areas, or knowledge domains can be associated with questions thanks to a rich “tag” feature : each question can contain as many tags as needed, to allow multiple assessment scenarios ( for example, evaluating multiple skill domains at once with a single test), as well as real time filtering or easy editing.
Thanks to this, and as each tag you set transparently creates a new sub-bank with your questions, you can then also create new quizzes in no time, using the instant test creator with its unique random question picking feature that will pull question from your global bank or knowledge domains that you created.
The quiz maker platform automatically estimates difficulty level for all questions based on their usual success rates, and can extrapolate this to the exam itself.

process 3

Setup an exam session, from one of your MCQs

As soon as you have your quiz ready (built manually or with the random generator), you will be able to create an exam session, and schedule it.
The exam session generation starts in creating digital exam sheets for each of your trainee / students. Exam sheets can be the same, or totally scrambled (questions will be scrambled as well as possible answers for each question). Each digital exam sheet (unique) will come in pdf format. To comply with several regulations, it can not be altered, (like for paper exams, basically…) and will be automatically archived (our planet will say thanks… ) You can then open the exam immediately to let trainees/students come in, or schedule it. Attendees will be able to connect and run the exam once only, thanks to the secured data they will receive. EVALBOX comes with 4 exam session types : flashcards to work memorization, self-evaluation with an immediate feedback, open exam, or higly secured exam (the mode used for high stakes exams…)

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Run the online test

A single click will send secured personal information to the trainees / students, allowing them to connect and start the exam. Those information can be send automatically if the exam has been scheduled with an automatic start.
In case of non-received emails, an other single click will open an excel worksheet with all students and their connection data so you can manage communication …

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While the exam is running

You can follow students/trainees progress in real time. evalbox is in a continuous evolution management process to improve fraud detection and monitoring algorithms: technologies and hacking tools are improving fast. So we do ! For example, a trainee/student opening a new tab in his web browser (probably to run a google search with the question…) will trigger what we call a “red screen” alert : he will be warned and disqualified for the ongoing question / and the teacher will receive a real time alert, allowing him to take action…

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When the online test has been run

Go for a coffee, and enjoy. Grading is now an automatized process. The trainee/student will receive an immediate feedback with his own results. And a single click will help you to access a global consolidation of the class results, and… ALL exam sheets with grades, feedbacks and annotations… What else ?