
The new free online test maker to
create and manage online exams (and paper exams too !)

Online quizzes or paper-based exams (with automatic exam grading !), education, training, recruitment, assessment, certification

evalbox, the online test maker : main features

Create online exams with an easy assessment platform, trusted by thousands of worldwide professionals

Here below are just some of the main features provided by evalbox, the best online test maker with automatic grading(*)

Split and manage individuals in classes, teams, groups

Easily Create and manage groups, even if all your trainees are spread WorldWide

Class organization

That allows a flexible management model for project teams, “business” teams, school classes, : easy skills evaluation and progress tracking

Mass Import/Export

10 seconds to import all students data for a class ! thanks to easy csv management or direct copy/paste from Excel

Grade book in 1 click

Easily download grade books for a class / team, with detailed results

Timeline feature

Quickly access to a visual summary of all the exams a class has taken

Create and organize your question banks

Create and edit questions, add pictures or video clips to illustrate, organize your questions within knowledge areas sub-banks that’s to the “tag” feature…

Advanced question editor

That allows many formatting options (colour, bold, italic, tables...), and a layout cleaning option if you copy/paste from another source...

Scientific symbols, pictures, multimedia

No issue to add a picture or video to illustrate your question. And also use pictures within possible answers !

Question banks

When setting one or more tags for your questions, you will (without noticing) create question banks. And more than a simple sorting tool, you will unlock usefull features like the random MCQ generator, or advanced grade sheets...

Time limit

To reduce the available time for cheating, or simply “spice up” your exams, each question can have its own timer.

Flash cards

A popular memorization game ! The back of each card can display a feedback to help the student/trainee understand the “why”

Duplicates detection

Simply trust the question creation assistant that will help you to avoid questions that look like others…

Variants creation

You can create a question variant in a single click, to easily enrich your question bank and propose as much diversified exams as possible

Multi language

A worldwide class or team ? no issue ! each question can exist in multiple languages, and then displayed to students in their own language!

Question sharing

Thanks to the “institution” mode, and group sharing feature, you can share your QUIZ banks with your colleagues

Question bulk import

Already have question banks coming from another tool, word or excel files ? no issue : evalbox bulk import in a matter of a second …


Multiple choices, unique choice, true false questions … All question types that allow automatic grading are managed in evalbox

Real time filtering

Want to see questions that contain a keyword (or a tag) ? questions already used (or not) in a QUIZ : easy with all the available search filters...

Create online tests, or paper based exams with no effort !

Continuous evaluation, continuous assessment, knowledge assessment, skill management and skill evaluation, self-training, self-practice, pre-hire tests, high stakes exams (diploma, certification, …) evalbox does!

Online or paper ?

Create & manage your question and quiz banks inevalbox. You can then decide (even at the last minute) to run an online exam, or a paper exam, or an hybrid one !

Paper exams grading

Once the students have finished, you just have to scan answer sheets using any kind of common all-in-one copiers. Go for a coffee… evalboxwill manage the rest

Random generator

Creating a new 50 question QUIZ can take less than 15 seconds, thanks to the random question picker !

Unique exam sheets

Whatever if we talk about digital exam sheet, or printed ones : all exam sheets are unique, as questions and possible answers will be scrambled.

Self training mode

Grant your students an access to a unique and powerfull teaching tool so they can self-train or self-evaluate.

QUIZ sharing

Thanks to the “institution” mode, you can share your QUIZZES and CLASSES within groups belonging to your school or corporation.

Exam scheduling

Decide for an open exam, or a scheduled one. Invite your attendees with a single click or automatically, 5 min before the exam starts.

A new student/trainee ?

Add him/her to an already launched exam so he can also attend

Secured email personal invitations

Invite your trainees to take a test, with a single click. No issue if they are 10 or 1000, all grouped in a classroom or Worldwide spread.

Real time monitoring screen

You can follow attendees in real time. Anti-cheating algorithms will warn you when a suspicious behavior has been noticed !

Advanced anti-cheat system

With Individual time outs for questions, red screen alert to stop switching to an other web browser tab while taking an exam, real time monitoiring and warning system…


All exam sheets are auto-archived in pdf format. All available results for a student are 1 click away…

When the automatic grading has been performed, easily get the graded exam sheets, scorecards, and advanced metrics & reports

Painful Manual grading is OVER ! reach automatized grading and instant result issuance, gradebooks, and advanced stats …

Instant grades

Attendees get their results at the end of the exam. But YOU decide to send them the graded exam sheets with annotations (or not!)

Grade books

Class/groups grade books come with standard or advanced formats and exports to allow you to implement custom calculation rules

Graded Exam sheets

1 clic access to the group graded pdf exam sheets that you can then decide to print or email (or not !)

Automatic difficulty estimation

evalbox analyzes your exams results globally and automatically providing you statistics helping you to evaluate question / quizzes / exams difficulty

Attendees comments

All attendees can send instant comments while taking an exam. The monitoring screen displays those comments, allowing quick corrective actions when needed

Advanced metrics

Analyze participation rates, success rates, and other advanced metrics to detect (and maybe correct) traps in your exams, or improve your teaching…

Gradebook detailed exports

Use one of the available excel exports, that will give you up to grades for each of the tags present in your exam, allowing you to evaluate multiple skill areas with a single exam !

An Audit ?

No issue : evalbox implements several checksums, ensure integrity, and keep all data safe, as well as proofs of non-falsification or non-repudiation of the exam sheets.

evalbox with numbers :

558096 QUESTIONS, in 102399 MCQs created by 2019 CUSTOMERS

( november 2015 )