
The new free online test maker to
create and manage online exams (and paper exams too !)

Online quizzes or paper-based exams (with automatic exam grading !), education, training, recruitment, assessment, certification

Main advantages of online exams with evalbox, the assessment solution

Save time with automatized exam grading and automatized exam building

Here below are just some of the main benefits provided by evalbox, the best online test maker with automatic grading(*)

OVER ! The time when evenings and week-ends were dedicated to exams grading …

Enjoy easy exams setup, automatized grading, and objective evaluation !


The platform comes with a high level of security, encrypted data, and audits are regularly performed by experts to ensure we got the state of the art strategies implemented


All the possible errors during an exam have been anticipated (network failure, web browser restart, …). Even a computer non planned reboot will leave the exam were it stopped, and no issue…

MCQ creation assistant

evalbox embeds some unique algorithms and assistants to help you while creating your exams : to avoid duplicated questions, questions providing answers to others etc…

Your content is yours

evalbox terms & conditions ensure you remain owner of the content you create. However, You grant us the right to reuse that content.

MCQ software… for free !

You do not have to pay a cent for the years we spent in Research and development, nor server hosting, nor bandwidth, nor continuous software improvements… As long as you do not need a professional usage / regular / and advanced features…

Exams are objective

All the criteria to decide whether an answer is good or not are set and known from the beginning. Non partial proctor evaluations are hence eliminated.

You save time !

Everything has been done to help you to save tons of time : from question editing assistant up to 100% automatic grading process, and exam building helpers...

Simultaneously Test multi-skills

Each question can belong to one or several categories thanks to an advanced feature : “tags”. This is allowing a multi category evaluation within a single exam !

Trainees and Students love online exams

We observe a very good adoption rate for our unique online test maker. They love real time grading, and advanced metrics that trainers / teachers can provide. Their implication in the training process is increasing, naturally…

No Ads

That’s our choice. evalbox is not selling your consumer data & personal profile to display the perfect ad ;)

Teachers and trainers communities

Upgrade your account and allow your friends and colleagues to share with you MCQs

You remain the boss

evalbox is just a toolbox (and a team…). The online test maker will not replace you nor teach you how to do your job.
evalbox has a unique objective : painless, hassle free, online test creation and automatic grading !